Tuesday 10 July 2007

And we're off!

Finally got to start some practical work today! Feels like we are underway at last.

ANC turned up for my pre-12 delivery (of tools) at 11:59... Hmmmm.... Anyway, after work I went to find a circular saw for under £30 as I had learned today that cutting thick MDF with a jigsaw was going to be very hard.

B&Q and Wickes had nothing, so will have to wait a few days and get to good old Argos to get my hands on my next weapon of mass destruction.

After tea, we set an area aside in the 'workshop' (which was a dining room) and laid out the first of the MDF sheets. Following the plans in the 'Project Arcade' book, I began (with Claires help) sketching out the shape of the cabinet - using my new 1m ruler, set square and a pencil lent to me by Sarah at work!

After double checking the plans and how much room I will have to manouvre the cab once it is installed upstairs, I've had to alter the size of the cabinet from 38" deep, to 28" and revert back to the original plan of putting a TFT monitor into the cabinet.

Once it was sketched out, it does look pretty cool the smaller size - and safe knowing that when we move or the cabinet moves on, we (should) be able to move it downstairs... should...

Thats about it for today. We really took our time sketching out the plans and treble checking all the measurements, so at this rate, I cannot see the cutting starting until Saturday. Better to be safe though!

Keep believing!

1 comment:

brian said...

Nice work Paul & Claire.
Would love to have come up today to check it out but couldn't trust this poxy weather.