Monday 23 July 2007

Putting away the tools... for now!

(This update is a day late!...)

Though the forecast was for more wet stuff, the skies stayed (relatively) blue and the rain held off - so with a 10am prompt start I was off and running trying to tie up all the odds and ends.

First up, some more minor cuts and trims -plus a bit of sanding to fix some off sizes. So far so good... quick, crack on! Whipped out the router for the first time to router the edges of the cabinet. This is to allow the 'T-Molding' plastic edging to slot into the groove I have made (right).

With all these little jobs finished off, I cut up some scrap wood into 2" x 2" lengths and set about making the supports for the cabinet.

This was pretty straight forward stuff - all about getting the measurements and angles right, heating up the glue gun and then drilling/screwing the wood to the sides of the cabinet.

Doesnt sound like alot, but it was a good days work and left me pretty tired - probably due to me racing with one eye on the skies. Anyway, everything wood wise is finished for the time being.

Next up... painting!


Unknown said...

Curious to know what plans you used?

Looks like lusid's arcade flashback?

More pics! :D

Paul Boreham said...

Hi Aaron,

The basis of the plans was from the "Project Arcade" book - which I think are based on LuSids plans.

I have modified the size of the plans though to allow for a smaller cabinet to get around a smaller room space and also to allow a TFT monitor, rather than a TV or Arcade monitor.